I saw "Hanna" today and its the only reason I am reviewing it. i thought it was a very well made action/art house flick. Joe Wright, who directed the incredible and unique picture called "Atonement", directed this little movie and did a surprisingly goos job at it. The action sequences were normal close up shots where we can't see the actors because they are body doubles. one thing i really did enjoy were all of the locations. it was somewhat like a James Bond film. there were scenes in Holland, Berlin, Arabia, Spain and yes Texas. Saoirse Ronan is quite the actress. She had the astonishingly mature performance in "Atonement" that got her an Oscar nomination. she gets the accent down (like Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep). the film was scored ingeniously by the Chemical Bros. who created this incredibly unique little score that made the film. it brought this modern side to the films familiar topic. i really enjoyed its prescence. Blanchett of course got the Southern accent down (she can play Elizabeth I, Kathrine Hepburn and Bob Dylan: amazing). I loved that evil manipulating side of her. the little British family on holiday was a bit out of place and the performance of the young daughter was quite funny but it really did not work of the feeling of the film. the twist was a bit predictable and i didn't like the way it was presented. of course she's different. she can kick the asses of a bunch of CIA agents and waltz right out of the building. Eric Bana should not have told the secret. i think Hanna should have found out on her own. But i have to say i was blown away by the escape scene. the music, the lights, the shots=amazing.
So this young girl Hanna is trained by her father to be this assasin. she must learn to adapt or die which i really thought was an interesting concept. she must memorize her fake school, fake friends and her fake dog Rudi in case anyone asks. she learns population of countries, various different languages and learns to be a skilled hunter. She must find Marisa Veigler who killed her mother many years ago. so the story continues into chase scenes and finding the truth about who she really is. i loved the lighting of the film; the strobe lights of reds, whites and greens. this was a really well done thriller that is smart, well-acted and absolutly well-shot. Saoirse Ronan was fabulous as usual. she was strikingly gorgeous and agressive but not innocent like in "Atonement". that is what i love about her type of actress; any accent goes. like Blanchett and Streep. Due to its early release, it probably will not get any Oscar attention butits not really Oscar material anyway. It is unique and Wright brings the familiar revenge topic to a whole new level (like Tarantino did in the Kill Bills').
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